Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer accomplishments

nate - hit 50 miles/hr on his bike, landscaped half of the front yard, surpassed his longest hours at work in 8 years, killed more spiders and crickets in one month than the previous 8 years of marriage for his loving terrified wife

eden - mastered riding a two wheeler, going down water slides by herself, jumping into the deep end of the pool, finished her piano books, passed off all her first and second grade words.

emry - survived all four molars coming in at one time, learned how to climb on everything, decided she can sleep through the night, and now enjoys whole milk!!!

jack - discovered the joys of being a big boy...undies, mastered the art of scooter and tricycle riding, learned that fruit is really better than fruit snacks, and revels in his new found talent...his bargaining skills with mom and dad!
jana - matured to the age of 32, admitting it really is going to be okay to dye grey hairs, tried her first diet ever....successfully stayed on for four weeks, threw a large ice cream party which was very entertaining and the downfall of the diet, finished reading six books - not children's, and decided she needs to get her act together to run a marathon again!

We love to celebrate all of our little accomplishments - even celebrate that the window was clean for five whole minutes before this cute face appeared!


Trister said...

What a darn cute family!!! I totally miss you guys! Keep up the blogging...
Love your guts

Sarah Pearl said...

Congratulations on your grey hair. It proves that you're older than you look (which is hardly 21). This post made me miss you guys so so much! And tell Nate that he better watch out or he'll get a ticket on his bike! (if the cop can catch him...)

Scott and Analisa said...

I don't think your summer will be complete until you get mom (Grandma Jacob) in a pool. Come on Nate, I dare you....

day in the life of a prince said...

I really wish I could say our family had a summer accomplishment of Breggan being potty trained!!!!