Sunday, June 29, 2008

Potty training

Jack just ran into the room and informed me that he had made a moon. I went to see what he was talking about, and sure enough, there in the potty was a perfect moon, a moon of his own making. Potty training is such an empowering process for our big boy. And it is so full of proud moments for me as a father. i celebrate things I never thought about before, and each celebration is sincere. I really am excited about this stuff...and not just because I am tired of wiping his bum, changing his diapers and so on. I am just excited to see him so excited about something that I no longer get too excited about for myself. Wouldn't it be weird if in fact we did all celebrate bowel movements for each other, no matter our age and experience level? High fives, chest bumps...the whole nine yards. That'd be a world I would want to live in, for sure.

Jana is gonna kill me for this post!


Scott and Analisa said...

Scott still rejoices over his perfect "moons"... Actually, we rejoice when ever our daugther makes any kind of bowel movements. You can come join our happy world in Brigham any time you want! Jana, don't kill him!

Zach said...

Yeah! I'm all for that kind of world too. I can just see the excuses for donut day at work. The fiber-supplement market would go nuts! Buy your stock in Metamucil today...

Sonia said...

Gotta love that!!!

day in the life of a prince said...

Great post Nate!! Bill and I both got a good laugh from it!!!

summer said...

Thanks for the laugh!! Isn't life great!