Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm trying!

Help - I don't know how to change my format for this thing!!! I have to admit...I know so little about computers! I wanted to post some video of Eden and Emry...but I may have to save that for a later date.....I think I am doing really well to put up pictures. Now, if only I could figure out how to make them smaller and get this site to look like others!

Only one more day of school! I think I am having a tougher time than Eden is! I went to pick her up and they were carrying their art work that had been up on the walls all year long...I started to cry! How can my baby be finished with kindergarten? She is growing up too quickly for my liking! Yesterday, I had two different moms tell me that their sons were going to marry Eden. One little boy went up to his mom and said he knew who his wife was going to be....."EDEN." The other little boy told his mom that Eden was his soul mate! YIKES!!!! We are constently reminding her what great FRIENDS they are. The little boy who said Eden is his soul mate asked me to tell her something when he was getting into his car..."Tell her I love her!" Then 20 minutes later a knock came at the door and it was the other little boy, he was so sad when I opened the door...when he saw Eden, he was so happy again. When I asked his mom about it, she said that he was worried that Eden was playing with the other boy! GESH! I think it might be good that school's out for a while. I think Eden might need some time away!


Scott and Analisa said...

What a heart breaker! I wish I could help you with the format, but scott is our blogging wizard. How did you do at the Fair?

Sarah Pearl said...

Keep Eden blindfolded and remind her she's marrying BJ! This has been planned by the cosmos long before those other kids even knew she existed!! Oh, and give me your blog password and I'll fix everything up nice and purdy...:)