Eden and Jack wanted nothing to do with us while we were in Canada. Between grandma, grandpa, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Jordan, they simply were in heaven! And it was a nice break for us!
Jack had to go to the dentist...first time. It was TRAUMATIC!
He goes back this Friday to fill a cavity...we are all nervous about this. We've worked up a little bribe
Jack greatest loves are the park, bowling and golfing(and me, of course!)...so if he lets the dentist fix his tooth without crying....we will go bowling. He is very excited about this...I hope this really works!
One of Eden's favorite things is getting the new friend magazine. Once she recieved July's issue, she asked if she could draw a picture to send in. She is ANXIOUSLY awaiting the August issue. It's already been a long month of asking if the friend has come yet!
Our fourth of July was great. We went up to Ouray to watch the parade, have a picnic, swim for hours and hours in the hot springs and water slides, play at the park, eat, and watch the fireworks! The only thing missing was family and good friends! Next year, we need someone to come visit. Ouray, really is the perfect little town! We have just fallen in love with it!
After two years of being stagnant....we finally brought out the canoe again! We had so much fun going up to the State park that is 15 minutes from us with our good friends, the Maxwell's. This is something I want to do every weekend!
Things that I do not have pictures of.... potty training Jack....(not going so well)! I try to tell myself to relax, I have had so many mother's tell me that their son's were not potty trained until 4 and a half....that really could be me too. My dear dear friend Sarah from Boise completely surprised me and made me so happy! She drove 12 hours with her four children to see only me! We had such fun ...three days of talking, I couldn't manage to take one single picture. Next time I promise, we will leave the house and do something!
This past week I have been reflecting on all our many blessings! I found out that one of my friends from Boise past away, she had two small children, and then two days later our neighbor passed away! I have just felt the need to hug my children a little tighter and be with them a little longer! I have the greatest life! I get to be with my three amazing children every day! I get to hear their silly jokes and be told how much they love me. We have been trying to have Jack say his prayers without help....we told him to tell what he was thankful for....he said everyone's name except Emry. When we asked him if he was thankful for her, he said, "no, she hits me all the time, and pulls my hair, and hurts me." It's so true, she is terribly mean to him......but then he decided that he really did love her.....he's just not thankful for her yet!